About us

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Since its founding in August 2007, LASER on demand GmbH has developed into a laser application specialist. Core competencies are process development for welding, cutting and surface treatment, mobile use of industrial high-power lasers as well as the overhaul and sale of used lasers.

Dr.-Ing. Oliver Meier, Head of Department at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) until March 2008, recognized during his many years of research and development work that the implementation of newly developed laser processes is sometimes confronted with considerable obstacles. With the founding of LASER on demand GmbH he pursues the goal of closing the gap between application test and realization in practice. The desire of the industry to provide a practical test locally by providing laser systems on a rental basis defined the core business right from the start.

Based on our various laser applications, the mobile laser processing of large components on site as well as the processing of individual pieces and prototypes could be expanded into a main business field. A broad basis of experience, high flexibility of the laser systems and sufficient robustness of the laser processes are the keys to success.

Since we ourselves use a wide variety of laser systems, our customers also benefit from our experience when purchasing used lasers. Our extensive knowledge of application development enables us to select the system technology according to the requirements of the process and to supply the customer not only with devices, but with complete solutions.